STATUS: first full of hour of honest to gosh laughing, giggling, etc.
Today Jason, Olivia Bee, and I ventured into the Wayne/Clifton/Passaic area of Jersey. We tend to stop around the area about once or twice a year. It is, afterall, home of THE Fountains of Wayne. Anyway, we went to the Wayne Towne Center and picked up some duds for the girl at Gymboree as well as two separate stops at Costco and Sam's Club....
I know, I know, I know.
How domesticated of you.
How suburban of you.
Honestly, they have some pretty good + cheap prices and selection of organic goods that we stock up on...and, hell, you can't beat the price of their Similac (for those supplementing with breast can I get an AMEN?!?). So, today we got some chicken, a pork loin which I cut half of into cutlets for a total of about 8 meals (Betty Crocker - here I come!), and some organic spring mix lettuce, tomatoes, mushrooms, + multigrain bagels.
So, this definitely has me excited. Why, you ask?
On so many levels it shows how life is getting easier. Believe me, I LOVE TO COOK...and the tiring feeling at the end of the day with a newborn, lack of time, and the full but disgusting belly from eating out for about two months can really get you down. Not to mention...we went to a variety of places today and Olivia Bee maintained her loveable, giggly, talking composure we've grown so accustomed to in the privacy of our own home....gypsy baby, she is!!!
This weekend also had us purchasing goodies or, as Jason likes to call them - school supplies for Olivia's daycare in October. Oh, and call me simple but I am STOKED about my new BPA-Free water thermos (since I threw my old one out promptly after discovering BPA was in my bottle while I was pregnant - sheesh)...I tell you, I am so low maintenance it's scary. LOL. We also went to Ikea to window shop for some new bedroom furniture for the Mister and myself...it's getting to that annual time where he and I basically throw out oodles of junk and redecorate a room in our home (finally our bedroom!).
Anyway, since I know I won't be able to hit this up until the middle of the week or so....here's a list of the coming's + goings.....
MONDAY: Jason works til 4 [boooooo!], dinner menu: pork piccata [yayyyyyy!]
TUESDAY: Jason works til 6 [booooooo, again!], Olivia Bee and I venture to Toys R Us in Times Square to meet Xavier Roberts and help him celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the Cabbage Patch Kids (oh, and snag her one while we're at it...and stop by the Nintendo Wii section for some possible new games for the big kids - yes, that would be us, and the Muji store, oh - and the SANRIO store....derp
WEDNESDAY/THURSDAY: relax with Daddy in Hoboken, dinner menu: chicken + sage/mushroom gravy, library
FRIDAY: Grandma is visiting us!
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