
We have been in denial...

...of the dreaded 4-month sleep regression and growth spurt. I knew the first month growth spurt was a long and awful experience and thoughtlessly convinced myself that as she got older the 'pain' of the spurt and development would not be so tedious.


This week she has been waking thru the night for feedings. The first night was for three feedings and the last couple of nights was for one. I was sure it would digress. Apparently - not.
We even checked for teeth and purchased some organic rice cereal in case the introduction of solids had reared its ugly head.
She is definitely growing and showing more personality, attentiveness, curiosity, and speech by the day.

This evening it took Jason and hour to get her to sleep. Sure, she was tired. She was not hungry. She does not take to a binky- ever (we've tried every kind out there on the market) and did the normal ritualistic crap (swaddled, lights low, lavendar lotion, etc. etc). During the course of the hour she grew quite fond of two shirts drooling and pecking on them that Jason had to change into in the midst of his attempts of feeding her, swaying, and shushing in the dark nursery.

The 4-month sleep regression will supposedly make its ugly return in 6 and 8 months - just about the time when the baby is about to embark in some hardcore growing or milestones - like teeth, crawling, walking, etc. They will fight sleep and yet be tired. They will refuse the bottle and yet be hungry. And, all in all, only want to be fed by the nipple...when you have already given all you can give for that hour and need time to generate some more milk in the tired old ladies.

So, wish us luck for the remainder of the week.
This may be the decision breaker on whether we go to the Cabbage Patch Birthday Celebration at Times Square tomorrow. Why? Because I am going to be EXHAUSTED and will be home with Bee until about 6:30 PM. Oy vey.

So....future moms - be WARNED because they don't tell you these things in the books, you have to Google it and hope someone else used the same adjectives to describe your blunders.

Growth spurts and sleep regressions....yea, they're a bitch.

1 comment:

Auntie J said...

I feel your pain. Deeply. I've been trying to wipe all those traumatic memories from my mind so I don't walk around with a big chunk of PTSD on my face, but this has stirred up old memories and I think I need a trip to the therapist. AAAaaaackk.....