STATUS: 15-1/2 weeks; approximately 23 inches + 12-1/2 lbs.
I know, I know....where the f*ck have you guys been?
Honestly? Nowhere special - and, yet, EVERYWHERE? We still enjoy our walks around Hoboken and even paid a special visit to NYC to meet Daddy and introduce Bee to all of his coworkers. We have been to Virginia to see Grandma, Great-Grandpa, and even a special visit to Grandpa at his house on the river. We have been to the mountains for some thrifting
...but mainly just enjoy our private family time here in our little city.
Olivia Bee is truly a pleasure and today on the cusp of Tropical Storm Hanna's arrival I lay here in bed and finally blog. Jason is actually up and in the den catching up on the old tube (I find nothing really interests me except the news and Jeopardy!...and the 2 movies I fit in while Jason is at work. Movies because they allow me to press PAUSE when the little lady needs to have her way).
The girl is sleeping through the night; however, I knock on wood at this since she has been going through a growth spurt - which means every two hour feedings. On the norm we have her in her Miracle Blanket (a TRUE must-have for any parent...along with a mei-tai carrier and Boppy feeding pillow). She still sleeps in the bouncer in the crib; however, has begun to sleep on her back when breastfeeding and co-sleeping with me during our early morning ritual from about 5:30 AM until about 7-8ish.
Other wonderful discoveries...
she is a talker, a squealer, a wonderful sense of humor...and truly gives out smiles to anyone who asks for one.
she is now fitting into her 3-6 month old clothes.
she LOVES to sit in her Bebe pod (aka: infant chair) and can for a few seconds sit by herself tripod style.
she loves stories, books and cartoons.
she hates the carseat and long drives because she can't see everything going on all around her at all times.
she loves mirrors.
she cries real tears (started after her 2-month appointment with vaccines which went off without a hitch meaning sans fever, irritability, etc.).
she, unfortunately, still naps 90% of the time in your arms and fights sleep because she's afraid she will miss something even if it's completely dark inside.
she is beginning to travel in her big girl MacLaren stroller.
she's extremely observant and emotional through her facial expressions.
she has no interest in tummy time and went straight to sitting up - also shows no interest in crawling, already wanting to get pulled up to stand....sheesh.
This month is her 4-month doctor's appointment and more vaccines. Yes, time does fly...and, yes, it does get easier. I think the most important thing for any parent to know is that with a baby - there is no schedule. One month they will sleep through the night or like to be carried and the next it's all out the window due to their teething or whatnot. Obviously, my OCD has gotten pretty toned down around the house but we're happy and the light at the end of the tunnel shows it's all working out and getting towards a balance.
Unfortunately, return to work on October 9th. This, I know, will be the most difficult time for me. Besides the adjustment of a new schedule (earlier waking, co-sleeping, get her to daycare, go to work, get home with an hour to play then bedtime...), I know it will be an emotional adjustment. Everyday I spend with her I discover more and more wonderful things about her and in many cases takes days sometimes weeks for her to share these special intricacies with Jason. Breaks my heart but I know that in the long run this is what is best for her socially, emotionally, and, of course, us - financially....hell, I know I'll even be able to begin to read again and catch up with the world.
Oh well, that's my rant and catch up. I did add a few posts that I had lingering in limbo from months holla back. I am here and hopefully back with ATLEAST one post a week. I am sure once I get back to work they will overflow with goodies about life with Bee (to keep me from missing her too much to the point of tears...and to show her, 18 years from now, that I never really left when I went back to work).
Good night.