One day towards the end of my first trimester, when we had learned that we were having a daughter, I asked Jason to write a letter to our daughter. It was our first weeked knowing the baby was a girl and we could identify her as a 'she' and not as a lima bean. We were going to go window shopping for our anticipated arrival. I wanted Jason to do something productive that Friday since he was home early. I thought a letter to our daughter which could be given to her towards her entrance into young adulthood would be nice.
In lieu, Jason wrote a song. These songs became a handful more songs.
For lack of better words, a concept album.
The Olivia EP tells his story. Welcoming our child into the world + who he will strive to be as an individual, a husband, + a daddy.
I think it's beautiful....but you don't have to take my word for it.
Listen/purchase HERE if you'd like.
la maman
1 comment:
Thanks Melanie :)
You forgot to mention that every time you hear "personal sing a longs"...Niagara Falls. Niagara Falls.
Yay for the EP!
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