Made it through our second day + the weather was BEAUTIFUL.
This morning I woke up once again at 9:00. I have been having trouble falling asleep lately. I will fall asleep at about 9:30 PM, then wake up to pee (one of the many times) and then won't be able to fall back asleep until between 12 to 2. Jason even makes me turn off the TV sometimes (mind you, the TV that didn't seem to keep him awake AT ALL and was keeping me company). So, I am left alone by myself, in the dark, with my screwed up hormonal pregnancy thoughts + Olivia (who senses her mother still awake) moving around...adding to why I am still awake....
Anyway, I woke up and immediately baked three batches of cookies (2 chocolate chip, 1 single batch just for Papa). Then got ready for our trip to the city for our doctor's appointment.
I met Jason at work at about quarter to one and gave the two batches of chocolate chips to his coworkers...I love those guys.
Anyway, we went to the doctor and got some recommendations for pediatricians on our side of the Hudson (turns out our doctor lives fairly close and had a number of recs). I discovered I lost TWO pounds (with no worries...since Olivia is definitely getting bigger)!!! We then discussed my back cramps and frequent contractions...and did the dreaded dilation check...Jason says I turned beet red and he blew on my face to cool me off. All I remember is saying 'OH' really loud then thinking ['Doctor's office'] and a whispered 'F*ck' followed....so polite of me, I know.
Basically, to start pushing the baby out you must be 10 centimers. One centimeter is equal to roughly one finger going through the cervix. Well, the doctor checked and I am only 1/2 a fingertip dilated and 70% effaced. Effaced is the part that gradually squishes and disappears; thereby, opening the cervix more...
Does this mean I am right on time or running late? Neither.
You see, a woman can walk around dilated up to 3 centimeters and 100% effaced for WEEKS!!! Other women can dilate from 0 to 10 centimeters in as little as half an hour.
...and there you have it.
An actual update that told you nothing except that at 3:00 PM today I was not ready to go to Labor + Delivery; however, right now..or tonight could be a different story.
Afterwards, we made a giant U-turn around Central Park from the Upper East Side to the Upper West Side to go to the Upper Breast Side. I bought my first nursing bra as a 'starter' and we will probably rent our breast pump for the first two weeks from them (just to confirm that my milk does come in...since there's always that chance that I can't breastfeed at all for a variety of reasons). Anyway, it was a really nice experience and I look forward to going back there again. Perhaps not with Jason since he was stuck in the waiting room (men aren't allowed in the back since it's just a bunch of ladies changing in and out of bras and whatnot. Oh....and FYI....before I was a 32A (basically a training bra...all cute and fit with my 2-pack abs and waif-ish figure)...Ummmm, I'm measuring at a 34D right now....and normally breasts will go up one more bra size once the milk comes in!!!! WTF. I hate wearing bras...and even moreso...I hate boobies.
The only consolation is that I lose up to 500 calories a day just breastfeeding!!!
For dinner we enjoyed the $5.00 footlong at Subway and stopped by the shop downstairs, M Avery Designs in our building. Megan is always kind enough to pick up our packages when we are at work and we always like to stop by and see her latest window display or animals she is petsitting. Anyway, she is VERY sweet is going to custom make a nursing cover for me! She doesn't sell them - so I will be her guinea pig! I am really excited about this since the Hooter Hiders by Bebe au Lait were measuring too large for my petite frame (ummm, I'm only 5'0"). I got to pick out some fabric and it will be reversible, too!
So, that's our day in a nutshell...we're slowly wrapping things up and winding down. Tomorrow and the rest of the week Jason will be home by about 2ish. After tomorrow the rain kicks in, so tomorrow afternoon will be spent walking through Hoboken, enjoying the weather with puppy...and possibly another stop for a Subway footlong!
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