
A nice set of lungs

Howdy Folks!

Yep, these are the good ol' days as they say...
Melanie and I are greeted with this cute little face about four to five times a day.
And at this point of her life this face could mean any of the following:

1. I'm hungry
2. I'm bloated
3. Change my diaper
4. I'm hungry
5. I'm hungry
6. Fine...Hold Me.

More to come!


Anonymous said...

Only 4 or 5 times a day? ;)

That face for Oliver means:

1. I'm hungry
2. I'm hungry
3. I'm hungry

He just finished a marathon fuss, but I swear the only reason he cries 99% of the time is because he wants food. He doesn't even complain about wet or poopy diapers!

Hope to talk to you guys again soon!

Auntie J said...

That is the cutest little smooshy face ever!