Yep, these are the good ol' days as they say...
Melanie and I are greeted with this cute little face about four to five times a day.
And at this point of her life this face could mean any of the following:
1. I'm hungry
2. I'm bloated
3. Change my diaper
4. I'm hungry
5. I'm hungry
6. Fine...Hold Me.

More to come!
Only 4 or 5 times a day? ;)
That face for Oliver means:
1. I'm hungry
2. I'm hungry
3. I'm hungry
He just finished a marathon fuss, but I swear the only reason he cries 99% of the time is because he wants food. He doesn't even complain about wet or poopy diapers!
Hope to talk to you guys again soon!
That is the cutest little smooshy face ever!
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