
MATERNITY LEAVE: Day 5 (Save [yet another] Date!!!)

We have just been notified that UNDERNEATH MY TREE has been selected as a vendor at the Charm City Craft Mafia's Pile of Craft Show in Baltimore, MD.

This one falls right between the two-day Renegade Craft Fair in Brooklyn and the Crafty Bastards show in Silver Spring, MD (a suburb of DC).

Hope our friends + fam can swing by to say hello...and to meet + greet our little lady!

I am just so thankful that I have this prolonged maternity leave. Today I am packaging some EPs and screenprinting some stationery.
Then I am off to meet Jason for lunch at Quizno's and a meeting with a potential pediatrician....it's raining + yuck out so we'll probably just continue crafting for the rest of the day afterward...or see a movie...hummmmmmm.

Send me a holla.
T-MINUS 9 days, folks.....
any freakin' day now, little girl!



Auntie J said...

Um, you do realize that you're going to have a baby soon, right? :)

Cause, I mean, breastfeeding in public is fun and all, but I hear that breastfeeding at craft fairs is the newest trend. Better sign up for a few more of those things, yo. Just to play it safe.

la maman said...

No worries, dude - bases are covered!

Jason's mom is coming and will be in a nearby hotel that I can skip over to and hang out...and, you know, get milked (like a cow...it's cool).