Had this been an actual rupture of the membranes Papa + I would have packed up the car and headed to the hospital to have the little girl.
Yup, we had our first false alarm. I was sitting on the computer about half past noon when I stood up and felt a large amount of...spillage in my boxers. Jason called at that same moment to say he was on his way home and waiting for the bus. I got into the shower just as I had planned prior to the spillage and laid down on the bed with underwear + liner in place.
They ('they' being the online professionals) advise that if you are not sure if your water broke then you should lay down for 30 minutes with underwear and liner. If after 30 minutes you stand up and spillage appears and cannot be ceased with ye olde Kegels then go to the doctors. Well, as you can suspect...nothing happened for me.
So.....we went on with our daily routine. Met and found our pediatrician, ate at Quizno's...then Jason dragged me to Target as part of my daily three-hour outing. I was not up for it and was already tired, cold and wet (it's lovely weather here...pfffftttt). We purchased more diapers, sunshades for the car, a new toy for my puppy, and other knick-knacks we didn't need but felt deserved....I can't believe we're already suffering from cabin fever....LOL - just kidding.
I'm wrapping my day up and it is only quarter to seven. I hope not to be saying this too soon; however, it is getting easier to sleep...
And tomorrow is another day.
Awaiting patiently for your arrival, dear daughter.
hey, i didn't hear about that! i thought i was on the txt update shortlist? :)
False alarm, schmalse alarm!
The 'freak out' lasted, like, 30 minutes...then it twas back to the daily grind.
...besides, you ARE on the shortlist, dude!
just below the MIL + my sister, yo!
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