STATUS: belly grew 1 inch in a week!
So, we are back from our doctor's appointment and Karen is fixing us a Mexican dinner (spicy foods don't fail me now!). The good news is that my sweet vaj will have a restful night rather than one of artifical cramps caused by some sadist doctor. I asked him, just as he pulled out the extension to the hospital bed, "So, what is the magic number - what would send me to the hospital?" Point blank - he said, "Good question - nothing."
You see, unless I were dilated to 10 cm and ready to push no number of dilatation would have sent me to deliver today. So, I would have gone through the pain of having my cervix examined for no reason except to check progress that, in reality, mean nothing. Basically, the less invasive you are to you and your body - the better. So let's leave the flora + fauna to its own as it works its magic. Next week, however, I will have to get checked since that could change the entire ebb + flow of my induction procedures in the event she hasn't shown up yet. I know you're all on the edge of your seats...so here's the breakdown (with sports commentary):
Go to the hospital for NST (non-stress test) and AFI (ultrasound checking quantity of amniotic fluid).
If no problems, sent home.
If a problem in heartbeat or fluid, etc., check into hospital for an emergency cesarean
Go to the hospital for another NST and AFI.
Same outcomes as before.
Weekly doctor's appointment. Will check dilation....
Here's where it gets complicated:
go to hospital on WEDNESDAY, MAY 28th in the MORNING to begin induction on pitocin.
go to hospital on WEDNESDAY, MAY 28th in the EVENING to begin induction on cervadil. If this does not work, then the following morning induction will continue on pitocin.
So, that's my update.
Like I said, the less drugs and intervention - the better (for mother and child).
We got some pointers from one of Karen's friends who is certified in acupressure and are going to attempt this evening while we all watch the Idol finale. According to my doctor the only surefire home induction aids that have had the most effect is accupressure and castor oil/enemas (the latter which I would prefer to avoid.....come on, I don't do meds - all natural, s'il vous plait).
Thoughts for today...
All I know, is that I am ready to get life on the road with our little Olive! You know, a lot of people think that you have to stay at home and your life is over once a child is brought into your life; however, I find that families in the city have a different family dynamic then those in the suburbs and the level of change, flexibility and adaptation in these children are stronger than those raised in the suburbs. So, our little Olive has a summer of fun coming up and many adventures and sights to see with her fun-loving, road trippin', adventurously crafty parents. Your life only stops if you let it when you have children...and if you let your life stop - then what do you have to contribute to your own children? Parents should always continue to learn so that they can always teach their children and themselves to be better people. Afterall, you are your child's greatest role model and whether consciously or not, is who your child will decide to become as a person.
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