It's definitely getting harder to walk - by the end of the day you can be guaranteed a shot of me waddling; however, waddling is bad, so I attempt to remind myself to stand up straight and walk slowly + correctly.
I pee like Sea Biscuit.
Definitely smaller meals - breakfast, snack, decent lunch (the biggest meal of the day), and small snacks from 2:00 pm and no later than 7:30 pm.
Heartburn + indigestion has decreased.
No stretch marks!
Swelling has begun at random times doing random things - there's no consistency; however, I balance it out by drinking plenty of water and, thankfully, never really enjoyed high sodium foods.
Fatigue...let's put it this way - I wake up tired.
No weight gain on my part for the past two weeks;however, the belly continues to thrive - so that's what matters.
The little lady normally sleeps through the night; however, last night she decided to wake me in my slumber from 1:00-3:00 with kicks and jabs. Guess she's catching up after all of the rest she's been getting during her growth spurt this week (she's been relatively quiet but it normally means she's growing..and I've been having stretching pains all week, too).
No particular cravings. Still enjoy lots of fruit, salads, chicken, and fish. Red meat once a week (normally in the form of a burger).
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