You see, my pregnancy self is used to hitting the sac at about 8:30; however, last night I was mesmerized by the primaries so didn't officially go to sleep until 12:30.
Atleast today it is warm-ish and the gals at work will be dining Japanese today. Yummmm.
Also, last night I was patiently waiting for Jason outside of his work before I hit the bus to vote when a passerby so nicely said...'That's a beautiful belly, mami.' It was nice...not so much flattering though since at that particular moment I felt like an over-sized human chickpea. Mmmmmmm, chickpeas...
I digress...
Besides blabbering on about looking forward to painting this weekend I thought I would give a tip to all those expectant parents about to paint their nursery as well....If you add two teaspoons of vanilla extract to your paint before you mix it it will get rid of the fumes. Do keep your windows open though - just because you can't smell it, doesn't mean it's not there.
Next week....the long awaited (on Jason's behalf) 3D ultrasound. In reality, all you can really see is the extremely GENERAL shape of the nose and lips. Hair, eyes, etc. not so crisp. The day before that is my diabetes test....whoever in their right mind told a pregnant woman to not eat when she wakes up, commute to the doctor's, then down some weird orange drink is obviously...well, a man. Anyhow, wish me luck - or patience.
I keep getting a hint of jealousy when another birth is announced...I just can't wait to feel a little more like myself (not so dependent hormonely and immobile)and to have Baby in tow.
Other moments...I feel so special when I see children. I smile to myself thinking 'I'm making one of those.' HA!
Neatest thing last night...watching The Nanny Diaries between the primaries. I am laying in my bed watching Olive's kicks on my belly with my t-shirt lifted...when out of nowhere...movement I have never seen!....It was like the Loch Ness monster was under a waterbed...a long, slow movement...not just a jab. It was truly amazing.
In final words....don't these ladies look great?!?
Just three weeks after birth.

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