I am at a loss of words and Jason is over here crying like a baby [and Olivia is really crying like a baby].
Now I have to live up to my writing skillz and entertain all of your friends, clients, and family who may stumble across our little world. Hahaha!
Seriously....I don't know what to say.
You've captured us in a way we could never have thought imaginable. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!
We CANNOT wait to have you up north. Our door is always open!
And...to those of you sitting here scratching your head in confusion wondering why this is my first post sans apologies for my absence...
Motherhood is cool.
Sleep is AWESOME.
We can talk later....instead, focus on the pictures below. Just a few samples of our DEAR FRIEND, Kirsten Lewis of Innate Photo, who also photographed our wedding + truly wins over our heart with every email, visit, and picture we are able to capture with her!
Also, check out her BLOG....we're featured today - with plugs for Jason's artwork, our music, and blog!

those are beautiful!!! see you at the end of the month?
Thank you Sposa family for letting me into your lives and sharing all of your happy moments with me. It was an honor to photograph you all and can't wait to do it again!
these photos are great!
(and in response to your myspace message)...
thank you for the deliciously cute lovely comment about my daughter. no, the polly ester name would never work for my child. i still have my turtles, polly and ester, so...
her name is mina elise (mina from Bram Stoker's Dracula and elise from the Cure's Letter to Elise).
olivia bee is a cutie (my dad's middle name is bee, too).
i talked to gus not too long ago. i found his guitar website. he said he is going to law school out there in nyc. that is pretty awesome. anna and i were there (in nyc) back in february. it got seriously freakin cold the last day we were there, but it is one of the coolest places i have ever been. maybe one day we will get out of crappy ol' charleston and experience something else...
anyways, good to hear back from you. glad to here you guys are doing good. btw, i listened to some of the music that jason wrote for olivia bee, from the ep. one of the songs almost had me tearing up (i guess because i am a father, too). i am such a nancy-boy (sniff-sniff).
your pal,
A MONTH AND A HALF WITHOUT O. BEE UPDATES! Come ON, people. She's probably applying to college by now. AND YOU'RE NOT TELLING US WHICH ONES.
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