STATUS: last night - those fabled CRAZY horrible menstraul cramps...yet another, freakin' sign of early labor (quit teasin' already, f'realz)
As far as the baby-making goes we here at the Sposa household are still trying to get her outta here and into the great wide open. We are thinking that she may have inherited her father's sense of punctuality which means either Saturday or Sunday (a tad bit early or else right on time). Then again, if she has inherited my sense of time, she will be fashionably late on Monday or Tuesday. Either course, Karen, Jason's mom, is coming into town to keep me company/sane on Sunday. Basically, I am taking on this Doogie Howser sense of the world and have finished the internet atleast three times a day.
So, we are still eating pineapples, walking, resting, and all that other fun stuff. I do feel some changes...but, again, you never know since at this point, your body really isn't yours. I think my friend said it best - your body knows what it needs to do, it's been warming up to this point [being labor], but since this is its first time, you have to give it the benefit of the doubt and let it warm up + prepare. Same with the whole labor thing...just let your body do what it does - no matter how much it sucks.
Anyway, not much going on this Friday. Just staying in since the rain is pretty gross out. Been reading the book I got in yesterday and got the new issue of PARENTS magazine in the post, too.
BIG BUSINESS accomplishments today though....FINALLY got my life insurance in check (wooooo!) and discovered my credit score went up 100+ points since last year! Just in time for the baby's arrival! We also recently got our Certificate of Authority for the Brooklyn craft fair - glad we filed it early - it took a minute to get in...and got our knucklebuster in the post for our credit card orders..it's fun to use, like you're playing store!!
Otherwise, we just ordered some Chinese - I know....gross....but it's perfect for the weather and the staying in part. I tried to stay healthy and got steamed chicken instead of fried - heehee.
This weekend...besides Karen's arrival on Sunday, we will be wa-wa-walking around the mall, probably to Wal-Mart (I need some fabric b/c I want to make myself a moby wrap...and it requires no sewing!!), and probably either Babies R Us or Costco....just because - but I guess we will see where my energy and crotch pressure will let me go!
Have a great weekend + I am sure you will all hear from me soon!
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