I'm taking a vote....
cause I'm not really sure how I feel about these 3-D/4-D sonograms. Basically, it is a new technology that allows for the parents-to-be to view their baby inside the womb in real-time (ie, laughing, yawning, playing, etc.).
Sure, it allows you to see your baby ahead of time to see how he/she looks but who really wants to see what's going on 'in there'? I mean, it's bad enough you're feeling the effects of the kicking and the hiccups, the weight of not just 'the added protection' you've acquired for the baby, but also the baby itself, the swelling, the nausea, the shortness of breath.... Ok, maybe it will help you to see your baby all cozy and happy in there knowing that you're a good host for the little parasite but what if he/she is not having a good day...that's the last thing you want to see. An upset baby in an already uncomfortable you. Or even worse, what if you're having a bad day with the baby having a good time kicking around your intestines and such that now you know how he/she is going to look - it just makes the anticipation of getting the little tyke outta there even greater (which as we all know, can trigger tears of sadness and frustration....which happens, let's face it, atleast once a day anyway - whether it be about your loss of control over your body, your raging hormones, or Bruce Willis' God awful final speech in ARMAGEDDON....I know I'll never live that one down).
So, I/we are open for suggestions, ideas, and/or other ways of looking at this new form of sonography (versus the cynical yet realistic run-through I just bantered on about above).....
Jason really wants to do it yet I am on the fence. Also, they offer the option of learning the gender in advance for a mere $65.00 but I opted out of that one since we will be able to find out the sex of the baby during our December doctors visit (just in time for the holidays! Wooooot!).
So, tell us - what do you think.....
Learn more: http://www.viewamiracle.com/
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