STATUS: Olivia Bee is now 20 days old!!!
Catching up...
on sleep.
on emails.
on the blog.
on Skype appointments.
It's been one hell of a two weeks!
We have FINALLY 'tricked'....*ahem*, TAUGHT, Olivia the difference between day and night.
Our secret? Placing the bouncer in the crib. It knocks her out, she only sleeps it at night along with her swaddle and the lights out, and teaches her the scenery of her own room/crib. You have to maintain a ritual of shutting down the house gradually at the same time every night, etc. It was difficult at first since one night I just had to say...I am going to stay up ALL NIGHT and let her sleep on my chest. Then the following day she was alert and playful (thank goodness Jason was still at home at the time)....cause I was a zombie by then!) - by that night, snooze city with only 10-20 minute waking times every 2-2.5 hours for feedings (which is really the most you can ask for from a newborn!).
As for me, Jason has returned to work, and I am still getting accustomed to the every couple of hours bit (which we are gradually solving in, Jason wakes and feeds formula, AKA: baby crack, from 10:00 PM until about 2:00 AM. I take over with ye olde breast milk from 2:00 AM until about 6:00 AM...when she is wide between Jason's shifts I still have to drag my ass up to pump some breastmilk for freezing and to help with the engorgement - ugggggh!). Olivia is spending more and more time awake during the days - happy and alert. I am thankful for this since this affords me time to place her in her bassinet or rocker 10-30 minutes at a time to do my own thing in the house...this is, of course, with hourly feedings at 10-20 minutes each. I can feel it getting easier but it does still take a toll on my recovery - considering I was used to Jason atleast taking her half the time when I needed to get out of the chair (it makes all the difference in the incision area - whew! - the first day was rough!).
Some days are touch and go...MAMA SAID THERE'D BE DAYS LIKE THIS.
This is where I ended this post. Unfortunately all of this is a blur since I am just now getting around to posting it IN SEPTEMBER. Say whaaaa?!?
Pic O' the Day
Home Box Office television

STATUS: Olivia Bee is now 13 days old.
Last nights attempts of 2-hour feedings that little Olivia displays during the day did not go quite as anticipated. It worked for the first half of the evening and gradually went downhill from there.
In the meantime, we re-subscribed ourselves to the entire HBO channel line-up to help us through the wee hours of the morn when there's only paid programming showing. Atleast now we can watch old Sex + the City/Flight of the Conchord shows or movies, et cetera.
Our only hope is that the baby is true 'text book' in that she begins to sleep in 4-6 hour increments (even if during the day) by the second month. In the meantime, I am going to have to establish a plan of attack for when Jason goes back to work next week. Basically, he is off by 2:00 PM (going into work at 5:00 AM, meaning he is awake by 4:30 AM). My request is just to be able to eat breakfast, feed the pets, and maybe pump some milk for the afternoon/evening when Jason gets home...I can always shower when Jason gets home as well as have lunch.
Otherwise, our little Dr Jekyll/Mr Hyde is busy cooing all sweet-like in her bassinet by our bed just as she does during the day. It's cloudy out today but the light of day + a little help from coffee is allowing us to stay on the borderline of 1/2 awake and 1/2 asleep.
Tomorrow we're hitting the mall early in the morning since I have no clothes to suit my postpartum figure at the moment and Jason had bought me a gift card for Mother's Day to purchase new clothes since I was feeling down and out while hugely pregnant. I was either pregnant or a size 0 so now I need some flow-y summer dresses/tops that will work once all the weight has been lost and I can utilize after (but yet still holds in the D-size tits I have established). Also, we are going to take a quick trip to Buy Buy Baby for some feeding accessories (ie, nipples, newborn portioned bottles, et cetera.).
And, in case anyone is wondering....I gained 45 lbs. while pregnant and have already lost 18 lbs just breastfeeding. I still have four more weeks before I can begin my workout regimen again; however, have been focusing on the meals I do take in (ie, Special K cereal within the first hour of waking up for breakfast, coffee - NOT GOOD, but wakes me up, salads, sandwiches, Lean Cuisines, nuts for snacks, and gallons of ice water). Basically, I am back to the weight I was when I first moved to NYC but with the weight primarily in the tits and mid-section (which is gradually going down by the day).
That's my news for the day so far.
Plan of attack....
We had our second pediatrician appointment today.
The first was last Thursday where we discovered she had a mild case of jaundice and dropped from 6 lbs. 5.1 oz at birth to 5 lbs. oz.....needless to say we were concerned.
The appointment today proved to be successful. Originally, our second appointment was scheduled for this Thursday; however, we were becoming concerned with Olivia's weight and eating habits in the evening. Namely because she is an angel during the day and eats with such passion like clockwork every 2 hours but from 10 PM until about 5 AM she is a completely different baby - needing to be pacified by breast, not really eating but draining my breast of any milk or rest, as well as lack of rest for me + Dad (Dad gets her up since I am still a little sore from the surgery and stays up with me for moral support/make sure I don't fall asleep while holding the baby + I nurse). Jason and I are zombies in the evening but get by during the day with the aid of the beautiful weather (but not without living in fear of sundown as we have joked about!). Anyhow, to our surprise she is now a whopping 6.96 lbs!!!! What a relief to know that my breast milk is doing its thang and her jaundice has gone. Not a relief, you ask?....what are we going to do about her evenings?
Well, we're attempting our plan of attack as I type this - the plan of attack to teach her to differentiat between night + day. Hopefully this will work so wish us luck...
During the day, have her sleep in her rocker to differentiate beds between day and night.
Begin closing down the house about 8 PM...dimming lights, closing shades, turning down television, avoiding direct activity with the baby (ie, talking, entertaining, etc.)
7 PM bath (or other activity - ie, walk in the park, family outing, etc.)
8 PM feeding by breast
10 PM (hopefully she does her 2 hour increments after her bath!) feeding by breast
....then if the increments become the normal, dreaded every 30 minutes we will supply her with some formula and/or organic gripe water
...and THEN the hopeful every two hours....
Oh, and a word of advice....
never attempt child-rearing unless you are married to your best friend. We could not do this without the unspoken bond Jason + I share. We always know when to pick up where the other left off when the other becomes frustrated. Oh, and most of all...always hold on to your sense of humor.
Sorry this is so scatter-brained and inconsistent...just wanted to have another documented chain of events of our adventures for our daughter to witness our love + sacrifices...and perhaps use on her own children.
The first was last Thursday where we discovered she had a mild case of jaundice and dropped from 6 lbs. 5.1 oz at birth to 5 lbs. oz.....needless to say we were concerned.
The appointment today proved to be successful. Originally, our second appointment was scheduled for this Thursday; however, we were becoming concerned with Olivia's weight and eating habits in the evening. Namely because she is an angel during the day and eats with such passion like clockwork every 2 hours but from 10 PM until about 5 AM she is a completely different baby - needing to be pacified by breast, not really eating but draining my breast of any milk or rest, as well as lack of rest for me + Dad (Dad gets her up since I am still a little sore from the surgery and stays up with me for moral support/make sure I don't fall asleep while holding the baby + I nurse). Jason and I are zombies in the evening but get by during the day with the aid of the beautiful weather (but not without living in fear of sundown as we have joked about!). Anyhow, to our surprise she is now a whopping 6.96 lbs!!!! What a relief to know that my breast milk is doing its thang and her jaundice has gone. Not a relief, you ask?....what are we going to do about her evenings?
Well, we're attempting our plan of attack as I type this - the plan of attack to teach her to differentiat between night + day. Hopefully this will work so wish us luck...
During the day, have her sleep in her rocker to differentiate beds between day and night.
Begin closing down the house about 8 PM...dimming lights, closing shades, turning down television, avoiding direct activity with the baby (ie, talking, entertaining, etc.)
7 PM bath (or other activity - ie, walk in the park, family outing, etc.)
8 PM feeding by breast
10 PM (hopefully she does her 2 hour increments after her bath!) feeding by breast
....then if the increments become the normal, dreaded every 30 minutes we will supply her with some formula and/or organic gripe water
...and THEN the hopeful every two hours....
Oh, and a word of advice....
never attempt child-rearing unless you are married to your best friend. We could not do this without the unspoken bond Jason + I share. We always know when to pick up where the other left off when the other becomes frustrated. Oh, and most of all...always hold on to your sense of humor.
Sorry this is so scatter-brained and inconsistent...just wanted to have another documented chain of events of our adventures for our daughter to witness our love + sacrifices...and perhaps use on her own children.
When checking to make sure your breast milk supply has come in and is adequate, do not check over a bowl of cereal (or any other kind of food for that matter).
Doc Hock! + Videos!
Dear friends + family
I believe Melanie is brewing up the "almighty" post in the next couple of days, but in the mean time I will leave you with some new videos and a picture of our OBGYN, Dr. Steven Hockstein. The family plus Grandma Karen had a little cameo today in the city at Dr. Hockstein's office for Melanie's check up. So we thought it would be a great idea to get at least one picture of the Olivia's doctor before the novelty wore off.
Melanie and I also wanted to thank my mother for giving up two weeks of her life to come into our home + sharing years worth of experience to us. It was just a special feeling to have her near and to help out in any way...even if she filled our house with delicious treats we wouldn't normally have bought! (Grrrrrr!) We love you, Mom.
More to come!
The Sposa Three

By the way, more pictures and videos are being posted on a regular on my flickr site!
Olivia on Flickr!
I believe Melanie is brewing up the "almighty" post in the next couple of days, but in the mean time I will leave you with some new videos and a picture of our OBGYN, Dr. Steven Hockstein. The family plus Grandma Karen had a little cameo today in the city at Dr. Hockstein's office for Melanie's check up. So we thought it would be a great idea to get at least one picture of the Olivia's doctor before the novelty wore off.
Melanie and I also wanted to thank my mother for giving up two weeks of her life to come into our home + sharing years worth of experience to us. It was just a special feeling to have her near and to help out in any way...even if she filled our house with delicious treats we wouldn't normally have bought! (Grrrrrr!) We love you, Mom.
More to come!
The Sposa Three
By the way, more pictures and videos are being posted on a regular on my flickr site!
Olivia on Flickr!
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