Friday is my last day of work until October. Thankfully, after today, Thursday + Friday shows no forecast of work so I can spend my last two days saying farewell to my friends + colleagues throughout the building.
It's still amazing to know that I will be getting paid to spend time with my daughter + husband!
Unless Olivia Bee comes early, the next couple of weeks will be spent working on her baby book, taking walks to the park + the library with the puppy, + hopefully a couple of visits to my aunt + friends in Brooklyn - but mostly, resting for the big day!
The summer appears to be shaping up quite beautifully. Jason gets off work most days by 2:00 so this allows for convenient nap times and swapping of responsibilities between cleaning, feeding + caring for our little girl. Luckily for both of us we are used to getting up early so hopefully the transition of feedings, etc. won't be too much of a toll on either of us.
We are going to be meeting a lot of people with the upcoming craft shows we are participating in as well socializing Olivia Bee quite nicely (I'm sure Grandma Karen is excited as well since it will mean practically the entire month of June in her little granddaughter's presence when the heat gets too extreme at the fairs). July/August are looking to bear glorious weekends alternated between the Jersey Shore with the little ladies' godfather or else at her grandfather's house on the river in Virginia.
Now all I have to do is give birth to the darling one - she (+ we) have no idea the adventures in store for the three of us!